Yameen Rasheed

Disobedient Writer. Occasional satirist.

Comments on society and politics in Maldives.

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Yameen Rasheed's Latest Posts

The Bikini Controversy

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on January 4, 2014 2 Comments
The Bikini Controversy

To the southwest of the Indian subcontinent, strung across the Indian Ocean, there are two countries superimposed on each other. One of them, I call the Maldives. This is the one where wealthy honeymooners come and enjoy their martinis on the sun-kissed sandy beaches. The other one, Dhivehistan, is the longest running experiment in controlled […]

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Et tu Maldives?

Filed in Features & Analysis by on November 20, 2013 0 Comments
Et tu Maldives?

The elections prove one thing: the Maldives electorate is yet to mature. The outcome of the election was more or less decided on November 9th, when – despite all the ugly episodes that played out in full public view – the public actually rewarded Abdulla Yameen with a slightly increased vote share. It was clear […]

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Mordis goes to polls

Filed in Politics by on November 16, 2013 0 Comments
Mordis goes to polls

It is voting day and the stakes have never been higher. The Daily Panic is proud to bring you the latest on the Maldivian elections. The Daily Panic understands that the fate of the world depends on the outcome of this election. Many Maldivians are determined to vote in Abdulla Yameen to deal with the […]

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The Strange Case of Dr Hassan & Mr Saeed

Filed in Features & Analysis, Politics by on November 11, 2013 0 Comments
The Strange Case of Dr Hassan & Mr Saeed

Dr Hassan Saeed is an educated, articulate man. The Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) leader, former Attorney General and one time Presidential hopeful has penned a series of articles in a local daily, in which he outlines his vision for a democratic future for the Maldives – although one could argue that much of it is […]

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Speaker Shahid is Interim President

Filed in Politics by on November 10, 2013 1 Comment
Speaker Shahid is Interim President

As of 00:00 hrs of 11th November 2013, the Presidential term has ended. According to the constitution, as well as a resolution passed by the Parliament – currently the only elected and democratic entity in the Maldives – the power is automatically transferred to Speaker Abdulla Shahid. Yet, to the surprise of exactly no one, […]

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A Method in Madness

Filed in Features & Analysis by on November 10, 2013 1 Comment
A Method in Madness

One of the most painful, overused cliches of modern times is the saying that insanity is the act of repeating the same action over and over again and expecting different results. The Maldives, then, can be considered to be suffering from a bizarre national lunacy. On elections day a little over two months ago, some […]

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Bank of Maldives: A love story

Filed in Offbeat by on November 8, 2013 2 Comments
Bank of Maldives: A love story

My Visa card got blocked again. It is the second time in two weeks that this has happened. Last week, I found out that my card was blocked while attempting to pay for a meal late at night. I didn’t carry enough cash on me, but luckily I happened to be with friends who offered to cover […]

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Pounding on an open door

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
Pounding on an open door

The world’s largest Qur’an was unveiled in Kabul yesterday in the presence of senior clerics and government officials, who hailed it as a ‘great achievement’ for Afghanistan and Muslims around the world.It took over 5 years to finish; 218 pages, with gilded letters and varied, intricate calligraphy designs on 7 feet long pages. For five years, a calligrapher […]

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A tool for the atolls

Filed in Features & Analysis by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
A tool for the atolls

Islamic radicalism, which played a key role in the ouster of the government of Mohammed Nasheed, continues to grow in the Maldives several months after his ‘resignation’. While Nasheed has repeatedly warned of the danger of growing religious intolerance, political polarisation around the issue has also meant that for the first time space has opened […]

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Sheikh Imran spreading Christianity

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on November 8, 2013 2 Comments
Sheikh Imran spreading Christianity

It appears that “Sheikh” Imran of the Adhaalath party has proclaimed on a television program that Raajje TV’s logo depicts a crucifix.For those of you who don’t get the significance, I have previously pointed out that Maldivians are the world’s truest Christians. Due to an unfortunate medieval accident involving Jesus, a treadmill and a flux capacitor, […]

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