Breaking Panic

The Daily Panic briefly rounds up major headlines from around the Maldives.

Breaking Panic: Maldives Police to train Scotland Yard

Filed in Breaking Panic by on October 20, 2014 1 Comment
Breaking Panic: Maldives Police to train Scotland Yard

BREAKING PANIC: The Daily Panic brings you the absolute latest breaking news from this week. And other weeks. Slavery Industry Gets Much Needed Boost Maldives Immigration Department took firm steps today to alleviate the misery of the nation’s long suffering slave traders. Until now, slave traders in the Maldives had to illegally hold their captives’ passports […]

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Breaking Panic: al-Ustaz Ali Hameed is an honourable man

Filed in Breaking Panic by on March 15, 2014 0 Comments
Breaking Panic: al-Ustaz Ali Hameed is an honourable man

The Daily Panic brings you the absolute latest breaking news from the past month or so. The Daily Panic refuses to speculate on Gasim’s involvement in disappearance of Flight MH 370 The mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 that has baffled aviation experts around the world continues to dominate news cycles. Unlike many dubious media […]

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Breaking Panic: Abdulla Riyaz Resigns

Filed in Breaking Panic by on November 20, 2013 0 Comments
Breaking Panic: Abdulla Riyaz Resigns

BREAKING PANIC: The Daily Panic brings you the latest breaking news from earlier this week. H.E.P Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom is President The Daily Panic is pleased to announce that His Excellency President al-Ustaz Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has won by a slim margin a resounding electoral victory. “Abdulla Yameen’s victory is a giant leap […]

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Breaking Panic: Waheed doesn’t care.

Filed in Breaking Panic by on November 13, 2013 0 Comments
Breaking Panic: Waheed doesn’t care.

BREAKING PANIC. The Daily Panic briefly rounds up today’s major headlines from around the Maldives.  Waheed doesn’t care Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has announced plans to flee to Singapore indefinitely on the 14th of this month. This is apparently news because he’s promised to resign on the 16th, and might not be back in time […]

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