Yameen Rasheed

Disobedient Writer. Occasional satirist.

Comments on society and politics in Maldives.

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Yameen Rasheed's Latest Posts

Umar Naseer: A study in Incompetence

Filed in Features & Analysis by on March 30, 2015 0 Comments
Umar Naseer: A study in Incompetence

Maldives Home Minister Umar Naseer is confident that he can win at the Olympic 100m hurdles. He just needs some slight change of rules – firstly, to remove those annoying barriers that get in the way. Having to jump over these numerous obstacles were clearly undermining his goal of completing the race, he noticed. He […]

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Blood lust in Malé

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on March 30, 2015 0 Comments
Blood lust in Malé

The streets of Malé have seen a lot of spilled blood and brain matter in recent weeks – as Maldives spirals downwards rapidly, with an anti-democratic regime at the helm. MvMurders.com is an initiative to document and track violent murders in the Maldives Azra Naseem writes on the subject: “In the early hours of this […]

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The Rilwan Story

Filed in Features & Analysis by on February 9, 2015 13 Comments
The Rilwan Story

I remember the exact moment when I first saw Ahmed Rilwan. It was late 2009, and I had just arrived in the Maldives. Some bloggers had gotten together to sort of welcome me and get introduced. We were sitting in a sea-side café at night, when he walked in with two other well known bloggers. We hit […]

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The Girl in the Poster

Filed in Offbeat by on February 4, 2015 1 Comment
The Girl in the Poster

The Poster Seller I was still in school, maybe in the sixth grade. My sister was three years my senior. At the time we were living in Trivandrum, in this two-storeyed house just off a narrow street. Right from when I could first remember, there would come to our place a man who sold posters for […]

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Filed in Politics by on August 23, 2014 0 Comments

A Maldivian hero has been abducted. A lover of history, Maldivian culture, poetry, folklore and humour. A writer, a journalist, an irreplaceable friend. An irrepressible advocate of human rights, and a stubborn enemy of injustice.One of the earliest, and most popular online bloggers in the Maldives. An entertaining, informative online personality. An endless reservoir of […]

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Sins and Choices

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on July 18, 2014 2 Comments
Sins and Choices

As a blogger, I write words and publish them online. Sometimes it is a mildly humorous piece, sometimes it is an angry rant. Sometimes I churn out 1500 word essays where I explore some boring subject in annoying detail. When I write, my objective is sometimes to persuade the reader. Other times it is to […]

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Thoughts on Israel

Filed in Features & Analysis, Politics by on July 12, 2014 2 Comments
Thoughts on Israel

I remember ruffling some feathers a few years ago, when I publicly defended the Maldivian government’s decision to resume diplomatic relations with the state of Israel. My reasoning back then was basically this: Israel had done no harm to the Maldives or Dhivehin  Maldives, as a sovereign, independent state, needed to maintain an independent foreign […]

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Maldives govt sends gangs after secularists

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on June 10, 2014 3 Comments
Maldives govt sends gangs after secularists

Here’s the full story on the latest cycle of violence, kidnapping and appalling ass-hattery that passes off for “Islam” these days in the Maldives. Apparently, if the Prophet were alive today, he’d be stalking people on Facebook, and leading a gang of petty hoodlums to kidnap, harass and torture young people off the street. This […]

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Dead babies do not lie

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on May 25, 2014 3 Comments
Dead babies do not lie

Another day. Another dead baby. It is incredibly painful to read about tiny lives, snuffed out prematurely in horrifying ways. Maldivians too easily – and too often – dismiss the creeping social rigidity and harsh moral codes of the current Wahhabi onslaught. But these tiny bodies discarded in tin cans and duffel bags are direct […]

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Slave Labour: a ticking time bomb

Filed in Features & Analysis by on March 30, 2014 2 Comments
Slave Labour: a ticking time bomb

I just read a piece in the Dhaka Tribune by Prof. Selina Mohsin, the former Bangladeshi High Commissioner to Maldives, about the plight of migrant Bangladeshi workers in the Maldives. Most of the information was not new to me; there is a reason why the Maldives has consistently been placed on the US State Department’s […]

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