Deeply concerned

Filed in Offbeat by on November 12, 2013

boredThe Daily Panic is deeply dismayed by the decision of various Western countries to continue issuing incredibly bland statements regarding local developments in the Maldives. The Daily Panic reminds all stakeholders that many of these are English speaking countries, and should know how to not be boring in their own language. We note with great concern that tedious language such as this is counterproductive to the purpose of holding reader stakeholder attention.

We urge diplomats to avoid maximum dullness, and exercise less restraint in their choice of words. The rights of readers stakeholders are best served with greater lyrical flourishes and livelier sentences. We look forward to timely resolution of this long-standing issue, and remind all stakeholders that the continued support of The Daily Panic in this matter is assured.

– Editor, The Daily Panic
12 November 2013


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  1. Mannu says:

    Follow the Daily Panic for your local Poll-I-tickes

  2. Diplomat says:

    Now now, you should know that offending the arabs is a dangerous thing for a whiteskin to do. Please, put yourselves in the whiteskin’s shoes and imagine what will happen to their countries if they speak out against the imperialists.

    Let’s stop depending on those pansies, build our own nuclear program and rain devastation on the enemy’s empire!