This Week in Maldives: March 27

Filed in This Week In Maldives by on March 28, 2017 0 Comments
This Week in Maldives: March 27

Because there is no such thing as a proportionate response in YAG’s arsenal, this week: Maumoon can’t catch a break, Nihan’s verbal diarrhoea, Maseeh survives the roll-call, and also my weekly update on Muizzu and his marbles. No confidence motion against Speaker Maseeh defeated Hoo-boy. How do I even summarize this one? The opposition spent weeks […]

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This Week In Maldives: November 6

Filed in This Week In Maldives by on November 7, 2016 0 Comments
This Week In Maldives: November 6

Because it was November 3 again, and evil-dictator Gayoom is fast becoming my favourite politician in town (and I can’t deal with this new reality), this week I look at the latest in PPM vs Lame PPM, and MNDF’s continuing celebration of the Indian army’s victory over Sri Lankan Tamil rebels.  These are short takes on the […]

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The Madness of Maldives

Filed in Other Voices, Society & Beliefs by on October 11, 2014 0 Comments
The Madness of Maldives

By Azra Naseem There is a small island of about two square kilometres, called Male’, in the Indian Ocean. It  is capital of the Maldives, a 1200 island archipelago inhabited by about 300,000 people known as Maldivians. If there was a psychiatric facility on this earth that could section a generalised population, Maldivians would be among the first to be locked away […]

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