Yameen Rasheed

Disobedient Writer. Occasional satirist.

Comments on society and politics in Maldives.

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Yameen Rasheed's Latest Posts

The Intolerant Constitution

Filed in Features & Analysis by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
The Intolerant Constitution

In 1959, an expedition of historians unearthed an exquisitely carved ancient statue of Gautama Buddha from the island of Thoddoo. Buried under slabs of stones, possibly to protect it from being demolished along with the the temples following the Islamization of the Maldives in 1153 AD, the statue was a priceless archaeological find. Before long, […]

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Maldivian history: A mockery of past and present

Filed in Features & Analysis by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
Maldivian history: A mockery of past and present

Marx said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. In an isolated country such as ours, with a culture that goes back thousands of years, history has become twisted beyond all recognition and ended up as an unnavigable tangle of myths and falsehoods. And it appears we are not done yet. An […]

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The Sage and the Cat

Filed in Society & Beliefs by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
The Sage and the Cat

It is 2:30 in the morning and I want to share my favourite story. There was once a sage who lived in a forest. The holy man had a number of disciples who joined him in meditation every evening. The meditation rite was simple: they would gather under a banyan tree every evening, and sit in […]

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Filed in Politics by on November 8, 2013 1 Comment

It is true what they say: if something has the word ‘laadheenee’ in it, it is like a bat signal for me to get involved immediately. After the Maldives Elections Commission – currently on top of my favourite Independent Institutions – hauled the mullahs asses over coal for abusing religion for political purposes by labeling […]

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Mordis: Campaign Kaleidoscope

Filed in Politics by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
Mordis: Campaign Kaleidoscope

You know me. I love elections! In fact, I did pretty extensive coverage of the historic first democratic elections in the Maldives back in 2008. The upcoming elections are still about two months away – assuming they are not canceled on grounds of say, “political instability” following a conviction of a certain former President in […]

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The Dangerous Cat & Mouse Game

Filed in Offbeat by on November 8, 2013 0 Comments
The Dangerous Cat & Mouse Game

Have you ever wondered why extremists are so addicted to violence? Surely, there must be something that explains all that fascination for dynamite, guns, beheading and all sorts of explosions, right? Well, guess what. Your favourite blogger has finally arrived at the ultimate answer to all that apparently inexplicable violence. Tom & Jerry. If my […]

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Colourless. Feckless.

Filed in Offbeat by on November 8, 2013 6 Comments
Colourless. Feckless.

There is a malaise in the country that I’ve been meaning to vent out about. I must begin by saying there are plenty of people I strongly and vehemently disagree with, but nevertheless admire.To take an extreme example, I’ve often said that Osama bin Laden could have easily lived the rest of his life in […]

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